Offensive Thinking

Brain tumors suck. Hi, I'm Patrick btw. This is my cancer blog. My "normal" stuff is over here.

October News

Ignoring the reality of rain and the brown mush that was fluffy leafs just a couple of days ago, let's go with a nice autumn picture
Ignoring the reality of rain and the brown mush that was fluffy leafs just a couple of days ago, let's go with a nice autumn picture

I wrote this blog post to summarize the various news from the past months or so, as writing separate entries would be a bit short.

First and foremost, my last MRI from mid-October was stable again, so yay for that. As my radiotherapy went down already more than a year ago (where does the time go?), you can see in the long-term comparison that the FLAIR images are again a little bit brighter around the resection hole (compare this entry before I started radiation). This time though, my oncologist told me not to worry about it, as it is very likely an aftereffect of the radiation that also turned some healthy cells into mush. Not exactly his words, but I think that’s what he meant.

I also reduced my Levetiracetam intake again, to 2000mg/day. I didn’t have any seizures for over a year now, a fact I’m pretty happy about. My oncologist advised against discontinuing Levetiracetam completely, as you never know what happens inside my brain and I do not have any side effects from taking it.

I will also change the information in the sidebar when I get around to it, since brain tumor classifications were recently changed. No more mixed gliomas, I now have an oligodendroglioma with a certain molecular structure. I’ll explain in another blog post, where I will also finally add some MRI pictures of my brain.

What else is new? My second daughter was born, so my sleep schedule is not ideal at the moment :) But all in all, things are great and I’m a happy father of two girls now.

That’s it for today! Stay safe out there, winter is coming (at least in Germany).